The volte-face of Essential Oils — Ancient Wisdom makes a timely return

Claire The Oily Witch
6 min readSep 19, 2018

As you may have gathered, I have recently sold my soul to the God of Essential Oils, currently residing under the brand name of doTERRA. This means ‘gift of the earth’, all very on point and they are very ethical. Why have I done this? On the face of it, because I need to earn a living again, not doing so is not only seriously hammering my bank account, it’s equally hammering my sense of self-worth; both have equal weighting in my World. AND I’m still living in the very expensive ‘Sowf-East Anglaterre’ , no one seems to want to buy my house? *Brexit you Arsehole!

On a deeper, more intuitive level, by doing this I am responding to my desire as a Green Witch to heal. With that old bitch hindsight, I wish I’d known this about Myself about 30 years ago so I could tailor my education towards natural health, but I clearly didn’t. I’ve satisfied my yearnings for this knowledge in a very casual, evening and weekend course type way. And now I find Myself, on the wrong side of 40, domestically ‘chattelled’ and time compromised. So this opportunity appeared like manna from heaven, an addition and development to Celtic Witch Mama.

So here I am, oiled up in every way….I am eating them, lathering them on and inhaling them at every opportunity, to the point my husband’s quite worried I am poisoning Myself…. I no longer need to apply perfume, so heavily scented am I. But this is perfume with a difference, this is perfume with an edge….it’s healing me physically and emotionally. FYI.. Definition of perfume:

“A fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to give a pleasant smell to one’s body.”

Essential oils have been used in health and beauty for centuries, an ancient wisdom largely lost by the advent of science, as I like to convey. They are harvested from the plants own immune system and because we are similarly constructed, they can pass through our cell membranes using their lipophilic properties. They can therefore penetrate cells in our body to help fight viruses and to help our bodies heal. Modern prescription drugs and antibiotics cannot do this, which makes essential oils a great natural alternative without side effects.

After 30 seconds on our skin, it hits our blood streams and it takes only 20 minutes to make that journey straight into our cells! FYI You absorb 60% of ANYTHING you put on your skin directly into your body….

How do I know these oils are working their magic? Their potency, 100% natural and pure, is immediately apparent when you open the bottle; Need to produce some tears for a ‘scene’ (domestic or professional), waft 1 drop of Peppermint about 5 meters from your eyes! Amazingly, you can eat most of them too?! First time I’ve come across oils safe enough to ingest! I’ve tried and tested them upon Myself and that really is the only way to prove their powers.

Here are my personal case studies:

Initially, I used the Oregano on a nasty, itchy rash I keep randomly developing every couple of months. The doctor originally said it was shingles, then when it re-appeared in the same place and I’d had none of the hepatic neuralgia associated with this virus, concluded it was a bacterial infection and gave me Daktarin, this didn’t work and the rash ran its usual itchy then painful then scarring course. This time, topically applying the oregano stopped the rash from even developing its usual blistery itchy spots and has cleared it up in a matter of days with no scar! NB. I am also using it on my daughter’s warts, which nothing over the counter has been table to tackle, and they are quickly going….

I accidentally, I promise, shut my son’s little hand in the door…he left it in the crack whilst he was putting on his shoes. Luckily no skin was broken but there was a lot of pain and potential bruising, so I quickly applied some DeepBlue oil. That quickly saw off the pain and he even had no bruising?! This is someone who bruises at every available opportunity….

A couple of my favourite people have developed very stinky colds, I felt Myself become similarly afflicted. Not sure about you, but my colds follow the exact same symptom process and the only thing that’s had any impact is the use of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the ear canals; not something I am particularly comfortable with incase I am inadvertently rotting my ears….although the total peace appeals from time to time! Instead of bemoaning my developing infection, I rubbed my hands with glee at the opportunity to test the oils.

So I am now regularly putting single drops, as I said they are so potent you only need 1 single drop, in warm water and drinking this roughly 3 or 4 times a day….This is my mix…

OnGuard, Melaleuca/Tea Tree, Lemon,Oregano,Frankincense

So far, so good. The cold hasn’t developed, I can still feel it hovering around my edges but it’s only day 2 and it feels like the oils are stopping it from arriving. I am also using these in the diffuser and putting Lavender in the bath and on my pillow for deep sleep.

I have just started taking regular doses of Slim & Sassy with the aim of becoming just that….I can report, that it has raised my internal temperature and metabolic rate to the point I am having breakout sweats all over the place; the irony is not lost, in that I’m taking HRT to prevent hormonal sweats on one hand and then creating them with something else?!!! My appetite has become quite modest and my gym workouts are unbearably difficult, because I am now working twice as hard for the same effort. As this is just the beginning who knows where I will land up….Slim & Sassy I hope!

One could easily argue, this is a case of the placebo effect occurring, but I can promise I can feel and taste these oils in my system….The simple way to prove this point, and indeed how this business has grown so massively, is to share the oil with free samples. So if you feel tempted to test these natural oily waters, let me know and I can send you a sample to try.

You can cook, clean, dream, stop the inner scream and beam with these babies! It is a life-style choice….You need to ask yourself, do you want natural, effective, side-effect free medicine AND/OR preventative healthcare?*Evangelical Healthcare at its best

Originally published at on September 19, 2018.



Claire The Oily Witch

Wellbeing expert and practitioner, sharing my tips on how to achieve mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.