OMG Just Shut Up!

Claire The Oily Witch
4 min readNov 14, 2018

I feel compelled through my fury and concern to write this blog! I am sick of all this ‘offence’ that people seem to be taking, misdirecting their passion into the castigation of others rather than inwards to salve their own souls! A witch hunt away from what’s actually important, towards something spiteful, attractive for its momentary self-distraction.

I am ‘shouting and letting it all out’, in my capacity as a Guardian of Mother Nature…and because I love Tears for Fears. FYI, anyone can become a Guardian/Witch, aka my recent blog, it’s not a private elitist club, all that is required is taking some responsibility through action for the protection of Mother Nature….

In terms of what’s going on out there in our big small wide-World, it is pretty hideous; kids stabbing each other, the slow creep of fundamentalist Islam, crappy short-term politics, species extinction, deforestation, choked up rivers, oceans and seas…Suffering wherever you turn, brought about by toxic consumption, at every level…personal, global blah.

You can freak yourself out by just turning on the TV or plugging into the social media grid; you don’t have far to go to find evidence for the atrocities our collective greed causes. However, some people like to focus on taking offence?! Offence at the poor judgement of others, occasionally the actions and usually where no real long-term harm is being done. WTF is the value in that?

Just know that

And the response of the Authorities, to all this vocalised ‘offence’, is to shut everything down..happily further curtailing our civil liberties…All power to those in control..Their poster Ad for all this, ‘Protection’, protection from ourselves and each other apparently. The new rule is ‘No one must be able to be offended’, because apparently ‘being offended is a most heinous crime in our 21st Century World’…The outcome, moral outrage = end of freedom. Again, WTF…We’re fast becoming a 1984 Society. (Yes Image says American, but the same applies to the UK)

This ‘offence’ is now being misappropriated as ‘Hate Crime’, the latter being part of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and sections 145 and 146 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003. But just so we’re clear, ‘Hate Crime’ is …..

How can Lewes Bonfire Societies’ annual burning of effigies of political figures, they don’t support, fall into this criteria? Yet some misguided fools are calling for the organisers to be arrested?!

And I doubt, (and really hope), those tasteless dickheads, who burnt a Grenfell Tower effigy at their private bonfire party, meant it to ‘intimidate’ to the victims of that tragedy. But courtesy of the World we now live in, those bereaved survivors did get to see this disgusting performance and know that their personal suffering is being mocked?!….Nice! And because of the actions of a few twats, the rest of us could be punished?! (NOTE: I do not condone their behaviour, but my response is to avoid fuck-ups with no Emotional Intelligence)

So what I am trying to say in this here rant is, be careful what you choose to get officially ‘offended’ by because Big Brother is watching, listening and will abuse it. It says more about you than you can imagine, often the things we are most sensitive about, are the ones that we have emotional resonance with….aka a responding chime deep within ourselves. Take all that passion and channel it into becoming a better human doing that a bitter human being!

ps. My chime is clearly years of persecution….in this Life and before….and a fear of it happening again!

Originally published at on November 14, 2018.



Claire The Oily Witch

Wellbeing expert and practitioner, sharing my tips on how to achieve mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.